Unique Aspects
The teachings of Emeritus Yoga Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru form a synthesis of some of the most inspired ideas and methods of all genuine spiritual traditions. By translating them to the modern times we live in, they become accessible and adapted to any human typology, forming a new Integral Esoteric Yoga School.
Here are some of the unique aspects that are brought together in this esoteric education.

The revealed mystery of Esoteric Science and of the Art of Blessing
The Art of Blessing makes us understand that the Divine Grace moments are not occasional. They are expressions of necessity and can be triggered exactly when we wish as a consequence of the Art of Blessing. Through persevering practice of this extraordinary spiritual method we can “melt” into God, merging with Him completely.

The formidable revealed mystery of the Godly Attributes, of which it can be said that are characterised, each of them, by the existence of subtle, eternal, endless, sublime, gratuitous, distinct energy that have a certain frequency of vibration that never changes
The Godly Attributes are those enigmatic and endless characteristics or traits of the Godly Being, such as Love, Goodness, Omnipotence, Eternity, Justice, Compassion, Infinity, etc., without which God the Father could not be conceived or thought.

The mystery of the Law of occult resonance
The law of occult resonance allows us to understand the extremely complex reality of vibrational manifestations existing throughout Creation and a deep understanding of all phenomena of initiation and energy-vibration amplification, which are consciously perceived in the yogi.

The revealed secret of the Law of the occult effective method
The true initiatic riches, quickly transforming in beneficial directions are the adequate, efficient methods that produce gradually, through accumulation, spiritual leaps that those who are on an authentic spiritual path need.

The revealed mystery of the godly essential Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges
The profoundly beneficial occult exchange is a transformative, innovative, ambivalent and profoundly complementary process that triggers the appearance of specific phenomena and operations of mutual transfer between two human beings/ aspects/ dynamic systems having different individual characteristics.

The revealed mystery of an epochal sacred, solemn and essential covenant with God the Father, which was done by thousands of human beings sincerely praying in unison
This essential sacred covenant was first done in 2010 in this spiritual school, and then it was accepted by God the Father with a godly joy, as many of us have been able to notice through certain godly signs that appeared afterwards, and still keep appearing every year since.

The revealed mystery of some wonderful, transfiguring, elevated, uplifting perspective on the nudity of the human body
The revealed mystery of nudity makes us discover the wonderful symbolism of the nude, which evokes (for those human beings who are able to perceive and admire its beauty), bodily purity, moral purity, intellectual purity, soul purity and spiritual purity.

The revealed mystery of the serious limitations of the Buddhist doctrine (which are obvious especially to the wise ones), as well as the plain inconsistency of Buddha’s teachings, some of which are rudimentary, superficial and contradictory
The essential aspect, which also represents a serious and obvious limitation of the Buddhist doctrine, is that Buddha systematically avoided and, to the astonishment of all his disciples, never spoke, without exception, of the existence of God.

The revealed mystery of inner crises indicates, among others, the fact that each inner crisis corresponds to a more or less acute moment of imbalance
Each inner crisis reflects the specificity of the inner universe of the human being concerned. When viewed from a practical, transformative point of view, the end of an inner crisis always entails a decisive transformation (for better) or change (for worse).

The revealed mystery of inner crises that can sometimes affect seriously our growth and spiritual transformation when they are not promptly solved creatively and wisely
Those phenomena of consciousness that are defined as states of crisis belong, together with spiritual tests, to the necessary means of passing from one stage to another. Each inner crisis involves the sudden manifestation of a certain breaking of a state of equilibrium.

The revealed mystery of stupidity but also of ignorance that many human beings indulge in
The revealed mystery of stupidity and ignorance reveals to the human beings how they can overcome a painful condition of existence and at the same time helps them gain access to a true and eminently spiritual knowledge.

The revealed mystery of Godly Instantaneity
The revelation of the Mystery of Godly Instantaneity makes it possible for time to instantaneously be suspended in ones inner universe, and in this way one can sense the indescribable and enigmatic tangency of each moment with the Godly Eternity, which permanently embraces the Totality.

The revealed mystery of the secret fundamental yogic technique of Mahamudra, which is practiced in gradual stages
The revealed mystery of the fundamental yogic technique of Mahamudra allows for the revelation in the practitioner’s inner universe, of the consciousness of the identity of the being, which is something transcendental and informal and exists beyond the multiple changes.

The revealed mystery of predominantly spiritual, erotic loving couples, that are oriented prominently towards spirituality and that are exemplarily polar, intensely transfiguring and very happy
This mystery is based on the biblical teaching: “What God has truly joined together (through love) let no one separate.” Beyond appearances, God is and forever remains a deep and endless love, and in eternity, the intense love that is manifested in a profound and measureless way is God even when we do not yet realise it.

The revealed mystery of the paranormal beneficial knowledge, which is revealed to us when triggering certain processes of occult resonance, which appear in the subtle force centres that exist in the Microcosm of every human being
Each secret subtle focal centre in the human being makes it possible to reflect, through occult resonance, certain aspects of the astral or causal world, thus allowing instant contact and subtle communication between the subtle realities (astral or causal) and the physical reality.

The revealed mystery of the esoteric fundamental initiation into the Svara Yoga system
The millennia-old science of the Svara Yoga system reveals to us the occult, causal and determining link between the nature of a yogi’s subtle breathe and various manifestations of external events (which are never accidental) and which the yogi participates in.

The revealed mystery of spiritual silence that facilitates important inner transformations
The fruitful experience of the state of spiritual silence is an essential quality for the spiritual aspirant who, in certain unique situations, due to the mysterious manifestation of the Godly Grace, witnessed a wonder or a godly miracle.

The revealed mystery of critical, accusatory, superficial and malicious judgments
Careful study of these revelations allows us to understand for the first time, from an inspired, initiatory point of view, the insidious way in which Satan can capture our consciences, often imperceivable, through the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments that we emit.

The revealed mystery of spiritual regress faced by those who fail, one by one, some major spiritual tests
The revealed mystery of regression/ spiritual stagnation that occurs when a human being who is engaged on a spiritual path fails some major spiritual tests, allows a deep understanding of what is happening when such human beings make stupid, uninspired choices.

The revealed mystery of spiritual leaps that occur at the right time
The revealed mystery of spiritual leaps that appear when successfully passing a major spiritual test, allows us to understand that the successful passing of a major spiritual test attracts a triple qualitative leap.

The revealed mystery of the easy, enjoyable and accelerated spiritual evolution that takes place within a human group that is harmonious, animated by eminently beneficial intentions, which is however fraternal and united
The fundamental mystery of the accelerated spiritual evolution that can be successfully achieved within a united spiritual group, which allows aspirants to help each other in a fraternal way and to learn a great deal when teaching and helping their colleagues.

The revealed mystery of the beneficial collective state of unison which thus triggers an amazing phenomenon of occult multiplication
The mystery of the occult principle of the collective state of unison is highlighted in the folklore through the wise saying: “Where there are many (who act simultaneously in the same beneficial direction, being all in unison), the power increases.”

The revealed mystery of esoteric science and of the occult art of embracing
The enchanting mystery of the occult art of spontaneous, full of love and deeply comforting embraces implies that the two human beings who embrace simultaneously accomplish a specific gesture combined with a certain inner attitude…

The revealed mystery of spiritual exemplifications that are related to the secret tradition of MAHA SIDDHA YOGA
According to the millennia-old yogic tradition, ample, clear and profound spiritual exemplifications can only be done by the Spiritual Guides that belong, through their formation, to the initiatory branch of Maha Siddha Yoga.

The revealed mystery of the gradual awakening of the Glorious Androgynous state (Ardhanarishvara)
The revealed mystery of the awakening and progressive energising of the glorious androgynous state, implies the harmonious energising and unification of the beneficial physical, vital-emotional, psycho-mental, supra-mental and spiritual endowments which merge and become unified in the same human being.

The revealed mystery of the ineffable state of Vira, which appears by awakening the latent godly masculine potentialities
The mystery of the state of Vira (powerful, masculine, super-virile spiritual hero who is capable of fully controlling both the sexual functions, and the inner manifestations/experiences) appears through the awakening of latent godly masculine potentialities.

The revealed mystery of the extraordinary state of Shakti, which appears by energising the latent godly feminine beneficial potentialities
The mystery of the euphoric, extraordinary state of Shakti (feminine power of Nature) appears through the creative awakening of latent godly feminine potentialities. A woman has the revelation of the overwhelming mysteries of the Universe (Macrocosm) that are reflected in her being.

The revealed mystery of the beneficial suspension of the physiological processes that are characteristic of menstruation, which is followed by the biological transmutation – at body temperature – of the woman’s substantial creative potential into a huge subtle inner energy (ojas)
In the case of initiated women, the revealed mystery of the beneficial suspension of the physiological processes of menstruation allows for the biological alchemy and transmutation of the gigantic godly, procreative potential that they have available, into huge beneficial energy.

The revealed mystery of the erotic-amorous postures that make possible the spontaneous, easy, pleasant and harmonious activation of the subtle fundamental force centres of the being (chakras)
The revealed mystery of certain erotic-amorous postures, which are known by the initiates, allows for the triggering and energising of certain beneficial, intense processes of occult resonance with certain focal points of force in the Macrocosm.

The revealed mystery of transfiguration
The successful process of transfiguration reveals to us a new, higher reality, which is much larger, elevated, wonderful, spiritual-affective, rich with multiple valences, even allowing us in certain conditions to experience sublime states of godly ecstasy.

The revealed mystery of occult inner alchemy
The mystery of occult inner alchemy allows us to discover through direct experience that certain chemical elements can be biologically transmuted at body temperature, and as a result of this inner process of transformation, huge energies appear in our inner universe.

The revealed mystery of the gradual induction into the state of spiritual liberation through Godly Miracle
Through the induction into the state of spiritual liberation by godly Miracle, we experience an ecstatic state of deep spiritual communion with God, a state that allows us to spiritually enter into the mysterious Kingdom of God the Father.

The revealed mystery of the profound yogic meditation that is done in a lunar Yin Spiral
The mystery of the lunar Yin Spiral meditation, which is indicated only for women, leads, by virtue of their precise arrangement according to the succession of the 12 zodiacal...

The revealed mystery of awakening and wisely integrating beneficial paranormal capabilities (siddhi)
The fundamental mystery of awakening and wisely integrating, full of detachment, certain capacities (siddhi) awaken as a corollary of beneficial inner transformations and spiritual evolution.

The revealed mystery of the attentive, lucid, wise use of healing herbs
The mystery of the wise use of healing herbs allows us to induce beneficial processes of occult resonance triggered in our inner universe (Microcosmos) by the healing herbs.

The revealed mystery of the yoga postures (asanas)
The mystery of special body postures (asanas) allows us to discover that each asana is, in fact, an attitude that causes a certain beneficial aptitude (inner state), by triggering mysterious processes of occult resonance between the Microcosm of the practitioner and the Macrocosm.

The revealed mystery of the subtle sounds (mantras) which generates certain specific processes of occult resonance
The mystery of the mantras allows us to enter into a state of occult resonance and profound subtle communion with certain gigantic spheres of force that exist in the Macrocosm, making it possible to trigger in our inner universe various processes of Laya Yoga.

The revealed mystery of effective spiritual practice
The fundamental mystery of discovering the spiritual realities through practical, direct experience, expresses or directly reflects the ineffable truthfulness of the Ultimate Godly Truth. “A gram of correct and perseverant yogic practice values many tons of theory.”

The revealed mystery of conscious, beneficial and creative self-suggestion
In the light of the millennia-old yogic tradition, conscious and beneficial self-suggestion is an intentional process of engaging a state of occult resonance with certain subtle beneficial energies of the Macrocosm.

The revealed mystery of the universal Law of suggestion
Suggestion is one of the fundamental processes of the Manifestation. It is an ensemble of phenomena of occult resonance with certain more or less subtle energies that spontaneously manifest themselves in Nature and which are as powerful as it.“

The revealed mystery of the states of beneficial amazement and wonder
The mystery of the beneficial and wonderful states of wonder, which open our souls to everything that is delightful, miraculous, wonderful and beneficial, reveals in this way countless mysteries of life and of the Universe.

The revealed mystery of the huge and eminently beneficial energy of tachyonic particles which, under some conditions, is manifested as a distinct enigmatic energy
The energy of the tachyonic particles makes it possible to project ourselves into the enigmatic dimension of the distinct subtle sequences of the energy of time and also allows human beings who are initiated into these mysteries to “access”, that which the great initiates call the akashic “cliches”.

The revealed mystery of the phenomena of Godly Synchronicity
The fundamental mystery of the godly Law of Godly Synchronicities allows each of us to discover that in reality Godly Synchronisations are actually the hidden, overwhelming expression of the mysterious omnipotence and omnipresence of God the Father.

The revealed mystery of the occult moments of hiatus, which is known by initiates
The occult moments of hiatus, is an extraordinary spiritual experience which allows us, among other aspects, to enter and maintain ourselves in an ineffable state of occult resonance with the spiritual, mysterious and colossal energy of the Beatific Creative Void.

The revealed mystery of the conscious translation into the Astral Universe, which is accompanied by the projection at will into certain parallel paradisiacal realms
The mystery of the conscious translation into the Astral Universe, which can be followed by the projection at will into certain parallel paradisiacal realms, allows us to firmly project our astral body outside the physical body, while preserving a perfect state of lucidity.

The revealed mystery of the beneficial states of trance
The mystery of the gradual induction into certain beneficial, ample states of trance allows the human being to awaken the capacity to communicate with certain subtle, parallel, paradisiac realms that exist in the so-called other world, the subtle Astral Universe.

The revealed mystery of the supramental (vijnanamaya kosha), which is reserved to the few
The fundamental mystery of awakening and energising the enigmatic supra-mental sheath allows for a higher and deeper spiritual structuring of the conscious activity of the being, which can be accessed by human beings through practice of certain supra-mental yoga techniques and procedures.

The revealed mystery of clear, firm, beneficial and continuous intentions
The revealed fundamental mystery of clear, firm, beneficial intentions allows us to convince ourselves of the ancient truth that says: “A properly started action is already half done from the moment of manifesting that clear and firm intention.”

The revealed mystery of multiplying the “talents” that God with great generosity makes available to every human being
The revealed mystery of the multiplication (or the increase) of the “talents” that God generously offers us is revealed by Jesus in the “Parable of the Talents”. For example love, which, when manifested without measure in our inner universe, allows us…

The revealed mystery of the humble request which is addressed to God the Father
The mystery of the humble request which is addressed to God the Father represents the mystery of the fundamental covenant that God the Father has made with all human beings on this planet and which He ceaselessly respects.

The revealed mystery of the occult godly effect of the “Lightning rod”
The fundamental mystery of the so-called occult godly effect of the “Lightning rod” that comes from the almighty Will of God the Father allows human beings to ineffably feel the manifestation, in their inner universe, of the Will of God the Father.

The revealed mystery of uninterrupted 24-hour prayer to God the Father
Done continuously for 24 hours, the uninterrupted prayer to God simultaneously generates a focus of consciousness and an adequate orientation of the soul, making it possible to enter into an ineffable inner state of occult resonance with God the Father.

The revealed mystery of the infinite energy of love, which incessantly comes from God the Father
The fundamental mystery of the infinite energy of love, that incessantly comes from God the Father and embraces the entire Macrocosm in eternity, allows human beings who love to discover that both the love they receive and the love they give is in reality offered to them, moment by moment, by God the Father, and is eternally endless.

The revealed mystery of the state of a spiritual Guide
The fundamental mystery of the one who has already attained the state of a Spiritual Guide, who knows the spiritual path that leads to the state of spiritual liberation and who can explain the meaning and purpose of life, who shows us the way and the dangers and difficulties that may arise along the way.

The revealed mystery of spiritual initiation
The fundamental mystery of spiritual initiation confers efficiency to spiritual practices and revelations, and at the same time opens, within the spiritual aspirant, the path to ultimate spiritual realisation.

The revealed mystery of the ten Great Macrocosmic Powers
The mystery of entering into an ineffable state of communion and occult resonance with the endless, mysterious spheres of force of the ten Great Cosmic Powers, through which God manifests Himself in the entire Macrocosm.

The revealed mystery of consecrating the fruits of our actions to God the Father
The mystery of consecrating (i.e. offering) the fruits of our actions, either to God the Father, one of the ten Great Cosmic Powers, or to Shiva, allows us to experience the state of a living spiritually liberated being (jivanmukta) and free ourselves

The revealed mystery of the ineffable correspondence between the Microcosm and the Macrocosm
The mystery of the enigmatic mirroring that exists between the Microcosm of each human being and the Macrocosmos allows us to discover through direct inner experience that our being is a part which is integrated in and ceaselessly embraced by the great Totality, and the Totality is (partly) reflected in our inner universe.

The revealed mystery of the Law of the occult giving
The Law of occult giving – applied only in a godly, beneficial way – will help us to understand and even deepen through direct experience that, in reality, all the good and all the spiritual energies that we give (taking them over from God) and offer to others, we also give to ourselves to a certain extent.

The revealed mystery of amorous erotic continence
Amorous erotic continence makes possible both the biological transmutation, at body temperature, and the transformation through the rapid de-materialisation of the godly substantial creative potential, into an immense energy.

The revealed mystery of the revelation of the Supreme Immortal Self (Atman)
The fundamental mystery of the revelation of the Supreme Immortal Self (Atman), which represents the spark of God the Father, allows us to discover that the Supreme Godly Self (Atman) is present in the heart of all people and that He is our eternal, inner, deepest Self.

The revealed mystery of the gradual awakening of the Wisdom of the Heart
The state of the wisdom of the Heart is an indescribable expression of a profound knowledge of the spiritual reality, which, among others, makes it possible to reveal the Supreme Immortal Self (Atman). At that stage, the human being manifests as a genuine godly channel.

The revealed mystery of the Ultimate Godly Truth
The revealed mystery of the Ultimate Godly Truth is most often the goal of any authentic spiritual path and at the same time the fundamental secret encrypted in Jesus’ wise words: “Know the Truth, and then the Truth will set you free.”

The revealed mystery of the occult Holographic Principle
The mystery of the occult holographic principle allows us to notice with astonishment and delight that each of us is a part in which the great Totality is reflected, and the great Totality incessantly includes every part in it.

The revealed mystery of the profound yogic meditation that is done in a solar Yang Spiral
The mystery of the solar Yang spiral meditation allows us to benefit from an ample influx of subtle solar (Yang) energy. This allows for the gradual awakening and energising of every human being participating in a solar Yang Spiral, of the intensely euphoric, spiritual state of the perfect Cosmic Man.

The unveiled mystery of the gradual revelation and of the mysterious, ineffable presence of God the Father in our own being
A great mystery that is revealed to the few and prepared ones is that every human being was created in the image and likeness of God. In God’s entire Creation (which in reality...

The mystery of the enigmatic shapes that have already appeared and continue to appear in crop fields, over time, in several areas on planet Earth, and that have been revealed to us by beneficial extraterrestrials
The revelation of this mystery was made possible when a mysterious telepathic message of an extraterrestrial nature was received, referring, among others, to the enigmatic shapes called crop circles, which appeared in various kinds of crop fields, over time, in several areas on planet Earth.

The revealed mystery of the true meaning, full of nuances, of the biblical expression “to be afraid of God”
The famous theme of “the fear of God” has its biblical basis in verse 10 of Psalm 110: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Over time, many people have wondered in...

Fruitful spiritual experiences are the greatest and most valuable teachings of our lives and they will always be the diamonds that we will acquire for eternity. All these will be of the greatest use to us, especially in the world beyond.
– Gregorian Bivolaru