Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The ineffable correspondence between the Microcosm and the Macrocosm

The mystery of the enigmatic mirroring and ineffable correspondence that exists between the Microcosm of each human being and the Macrocosm allows us to discover through direct inner experience that our being is a part which is integrated in and ceaselessly embraced by the great Totality, and the Totality is (partly) reflected in our inner universe.

Thus we discover with astonishment that absolutely everything is reflected in the part that each of us is. The great yogis and wise men of the East expressed this astonishing reality through the words: “What is here (in the Microcosm of our being) exists at the same time, everywhere (in the entire Macrocosm). What is not here (in the Microcosm of our being) is nowhere (within the entire Macrocosm).”