The revealed mystery of the beneficial states of trance
The mystery of the gradual induction into certain beneficial, ample states of trance allows the human being to awaken the capacity to communicate in an ineffable, plenary and profound manner with certain subtle, parallel, paradisiac realms that exist in the so-called ‘other world’, known by the initiates as the subtle Astral Universe.
The beneficial trance states are a true method of "escaping" and liberating from the domination of the daily routine and all kinds of hardships that burden our existence, as well as a means of becoming familiar with the mysterious reality of the Astral Universe, that we discover and explore through our astral body, that now is awakened and energized.
Because of this awakening, all the yoga techniques we know - asanas, pranayama, meditation, concentration, lovemaking with amorous erotic continence, etc. - are, without exception, much more effective when they are practiced during beneficial trance states.
Beneficial trance states also facilitate the entrance into supranatural states of consciousness, if they are, of course, explored and deepened with consistency and lucidity.