Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The fundamental esoteric initiation into the Svara Yoga system

Most often shrouded in great mystery and considered over time to be one of the most important initiatory secrets, the millennia-old science of the Svara Yoga system reveals to us the occult, causal and determining link between the nature of a yogi’s subtle breath and various manifestations of external events (which are never accidental) and which the yogi participates in. The initiate thus discovers the secret way in which certain deeply beneficial and godly integrated processes or phenomena can manifest themselves, in order to be as favourable as possible in the daily life. At the same time, through this secret initiation, yogis discover, step by step, the five fundamental subtle energies (tattvas), which make up and animate the entire Creation.

For the yoga practitioner who was initiated into the mysteries of the Svara Yoga system,Time, the Sun, the Moon, the planets as well as every period of a year, every interval of a day, and every minute of life is revealed to be an ineffable reflection of a perfect dynamic order that is nourished, moment by moment, by the godly macrocosmic breath, by the Godly Rhythm and the Godly Order that are manifested incessantly by God throughout His Creation.

The secret initiation into Svara Yoga, which is periodically offered in our MISA Yoga School, is at the present time (based on what is known so far) the only initiation of this kind, allowing mature, attentive and conscious yogis to have the prospect using it in an eminently beneficial, precise, and godly integrated way, while also being based at the same time on the constant cultivation of deep spiritual discernment together with a careful and responsible attention in what regards the practical application of this secret knowledge (Svara Yoga), which is reserved for the few.