Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

An epochal sacred, solemn and essential covenant with God the Father

Done by thousands of human beings sincerely praying in unison

This essential sacred covenant was first done in 2010 in this spiritual school, and then it was accepted by God the Father with a godly joy, as many of us have been able to notice through certain godly signs that appeared afterwards, and still keep appearing every year since.

As those who participated in a direct and active way remember, in the autumn of 2010, for the first time – on planet Earth – within the collective initiative of the MISA Esoteric School of Integral Yoga, an epochal and essential sacred covenant was done with God the Father, which was integrated within some collective prayers that were done in unison by thousands of enthusiastic human beings. In the presentation of this exceptional spiritual process, it was stated:

“Given the obviously dramatic state which planet Earth has reached today, both because of the sins, and because of the wrongdoings and serious mistakes that were and are committed, we were inspired to do, all of us, a collective prayer which is sincere, humble and full of faith in God.

This prayer will be done by all of us in unison. We already dare to hope in anticipation that God the Father, in His endless Mercy, Love and Goodness, will listen to this collective Prayer and endeavour to help us from now on, until it’s not too late for our planet Earth, as well as for the whole of humanity. It is essential to become aware that each of us is a part of this humanity on planet Earth, just as, analogically speaking, cells are part of the body and all are structured and act in unison within the organic whole of the human body. Please remember that in order to increase the chances that this collective Prayer is listened to by God the Father, it is very good that we all fast on the day when we will do this collective Prayer and for this we will eat nothing and only drink water, from 6:00 in the morning until the moment we complete this collective Prayer, which we will say in unison. Therefore, we will only eat after this collective Prayer is completed. So please participate all of you in this collective Prayer to God the Father, which will be done on the occasion of the Yang Spiral meditations followed by the induction of the state of spiritual liberation through Godly Miracle.”

Such collective prayers done in unison were addressed to God the Father and were subsequently reintegrated in the spiritual activities of this MISA Integral Yoga Esoteric School after the Yang Spiral meditations, which are followed by the induction of the state of spiritual liberation through Godly Miracle, both in the last months of 2010 and in the years that followed.

As many of those who participated to these actions later noticed, this solemn and essential covenant proposed by us all to God the Father was accepted with a Godly Joy by our Heavenly Father (God), and then confirmed by certain quite obvious godly signs that appeared. These signs could be clearly recognised as such and were communicated one by one in the spiritual events of our Yoga School.