Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru
The infinite energy of love, which incessantly comes from God the Father
The fundamental mystery of the infinite energy of love, that incessantly comes from God the Father and embraces the entire Macrocosm in eternity, allows human beings who love to discover that both the love they receive and the love they give is in reality offered to them, moment by moment, by God the Father, and is eternally endless.
Experiencing love deeply and profoundly, human beings discover that the energy of love always comes from God, thus having the revelation that, first of all, God the Father is also Love and His infinite love embraces, in eternity, everything and every being that are open to receive it.
The fundamental mystery of the infinite energy of love, when experienced fully and profoundly, allows us to intuit that in reality the only measure admitted when it comes to love is that of loving without measure. When our love becomes endless, even that which we considered impossible, now becomes easily possible.