Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

Paranormal beneficial knowledge

Forms of superior knowledge are revealed to us when triggering certain processes of occult resonance, which appear in the subtle force centres that exist in our Microcosm
In almost all authentic spiritual traditions of the world, this mystery was one of the best kept secrets.

Thousands of years ago yogis have discovered that the complex structure of the human being contains a multitude of subtle focal points of energy or in other words certain subtle force centres (chakras), or certain subtle focal points of energy that (each of them) allow us to enter and maintain ourselves into states of occult resonance with certain distinct subtle energetic realities that exist in the Macrocosm.

Each secret subtle focal centre of occult resonance in the human being makes it possible to reflect within the human Microcosm, through ineffable occult resonance, certain aspects of the astral or causal world, thus allowing instant contact and subtle communication between the subtle realities (astral or causal) and the physical reality.

By paranormally knowing the reality of such a subtle energetic focal centre, each yogi can realise that any such secret focal centre of occult resonance that exists in the being is transited by a certain, precisely modulated, specific subtle energy flow. Once it is sufficiently intense and harmoniously energised, each such subtle energetic focal centre can also specifically influence the general state of the human being, depending on the degree of awakening and the level of amplification of the vital subtle energy (prana), which can manifest through that subtle resonant focal centre.

In the practice of yoga, the proper awakening and energising of these subtle hidden focal centres of occult resonance makes possible the interpenetration of the physical, the psycho-mental, the supramental and the causal dimensions, thus allowing yoga practitioners to have access to higher states of consciousness.

Each such subtle secret focal point of occult resonance specifically accumulates, transforms and redistributes the subtle, modulated energy that passes through it and, when properly awakened and energised, can allow the reception of an amazing range of subtle, beneficial occult forces which are present and exist in the Macrocosm.