Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The revealed mystery of the subtle sounds (mantras) which generates certain specific processes of occult resonance

The mystery of the mantras allows us to enter into a state of occult resonance and profound subtle communion with certain gigantic spheres of force that exist in the Macrocosm, making it possible to trigger in our inner universe various processes of Laya Yoga.

Mantra is a word consisting of one or more syllables without semantic meaning. However, it facilitates the entry into a state of resonance and the fusion of the who is using them with gigantic spheres of beneficial energy that exist in the Universe. Through the created occult resonance state, there is a transfer of energy and information from the resonant field to the resonator.

Laya Yoga, translates to "mysterious yoga of meditative absorption". It is the branch of the traditional yoga system in which the mysterious power of mantras is used in order to quickly transcend all the conditioning of the individual consciousness. The Laya Yoga technique is one of the most natural and simple methods to focus, harmonize and energize consciousness. It can be practiced by anyone, even separately from other forms of yoga.