Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The revealed mystery of transfiguration

The mystery of transfiguration makes it possible for the human being who is transfigured to quickly enter into an intense state of occult resonance with certain subtle godly energies, with certain infinite, higher spheres of force and with certain elevated, sublime and uplifting aspects that exist in the Macrocosm.

Each subtle process of transfiguration that is fully and successfully completed reveals to us the sacred in the profane, precisely because of our deeply transforming and ennobled inner vision.

The successful process of transfiguration also reveals to us a new, higher reality, which is much larger, elevated, wonderful, spiritual-affective, rich with multiple nuances, even allowing us in certain conditions to experience sublime states of godly ecstasy.

All these phenomena occur through the mysterious processes of occult resonance that are triggered during transfiguration by the human beings who, through their sublime, beneficial creative vision, exert a profoundly transforming influence on the human being they transfigure. It goes without saying that transfiguration processes can be oriented so that the human being is self-transfiguring.

Transfiguration transforms both the one who is transfigured and the one who is transfiguring

Through the deep, creative transfiguration of a human being that we love intensely and without measure, it becomes easily possible to intuit their wonderful endowments and beneficial potentialities, while also actively contributing to the awakening and energising in their inner universe of those lovely aspects that we intuitively see in their inner universe, due to the states of admiration and adoration we feel (for the human being in question).

It is also important to remember that any successful transfiguration process that we carry out also transfigures and transforms us in a profound way, allowing for the transfer and the “grafting” into our own inner universe of those admirable aspects and endowments that we notice and at the same time transfigure in the case of a certain human being for whom we feel profound love.

The careful and persevering practice of the intense and profound transfiguration of the select, special and exceptionally gifted human beings with whom we come in contact helps us to understand through direct experience why the great sages have always stated that “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.