The revealed mystery of Godly Instantaneity
The fascinating mystery of Godly Instantaneity is revealed only to those human beings who already have a certain degree of intelligence, who have managed to awaken their higher intuition or are characterised by a pure, elevated global sensitivity.
For initiated yogis, the revelation of the mystery of Godly Instantaneity makes it possible for time to instantaneously be suspended in their inner universe, and in this way they can sense the indescribable and enigmatic tangency of each moment with the Godly Eternity, which permanently embraces the Totality.
The Reality of the Moment
The indescribable spiritual experience of Godly Instantaneity is most often intimately linked to what we call the Moment – an extremely short sequence which is instantaneously integrated and experienced as a sui generis Totality within the consciousness of the human being who is ready to receive it.
The ever-expanding and ineffable experience of Godly Instantaneity becomes accessible through an intense and adequate discovery of the Reality of the Moment, which is something enigmatic, because about it we can neither say that it is nothingness nor that it is something that can be precisely defined. The essential aspect which the revealed mystery of the Godly Instantaneity unveils for the initiated human being is the possibility of living an ineffable spiritual experience that helps us to discover that we, human beings, have been from the beginning created in the image and likeness of God.
The increasingly profound and ineffable experience of Godly Instantaneity is and always remains a way of accessing the mysterious reality of the Supreme Immortal Self (Atman), especially for the rare human beings who are ready to discover it and experience it in a deeply and intense manner.
Important role in any process of awareness
The revelation through direct experience of the mystery of Godly Instantaneity leads, among other things, to the understanding that when human beings abundantly accumulate in their inner universe the subtle sublime energy of balance and harmony (specific to sattva guna), it thus becomes possible for them to experience in a clear way the enigmatic reality of the sublime energy of Godly Instantaneity, which most often plays a considerable and unexpected role in any process of awareness.
Always without exception, if the subtle energy of Godly Instantaneity is present in the sphere of human consciousness in a certain proportion, after it has been previously received in the inner universe, it implicitly gives accuracy, depth and intensity to each process of awareness.
Always without exception, the triggering in the universe of the human being of an intense and constant process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of Godly Instantaneity plays a huge role in the awakening of the higher but latent potentials of consciousness. When the subtle sublime energy of Godly Instantaneity is drawn into the Microcosm of the human being, due to a constant and intense process of occult resonance, this causes a sui generis refinement and expansion of the consciousness of that human being.
Extraordinary transformation of our perspective on the reality
The abundant assimilation in the inner universe of the human being of the subtle sublime energy of Godly Instantaneity allows for the emergence and the deepening, within the personal Microcosm, of a very special state of consciousness, which is known in the Christian tradition as metanoia, or in other words, a state of spontaneous transformation of the point of view and of relating to the Godly Perspective of the Highest (God).
The revealed mystery of Godly Instantaneity indicates to us that, by abundantly accumulating the subtle sublime energy of Godly Instantaneity in our inner universe, a profound spiritual metamorphosis takes place. Thus, an irreversible process of inner transformation is triggered, which generates a gradual concentration of the subtle energies of the being both towards getting intimately closer to, as well as for perceiving and understanding the Godly Reality.
Such a pure inner experience does not only imply a very special transformation that affects the moral dimension, but also the entire being, and more than this, it engages, in a sui generis extraordinary upsurge, the overall awakening and blossoming of the superior faculties.