Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The universal Law of suggestion

Suggestion is one of the fundamental processes of the Manifestation.

In the light of the Law of occult resonance, suggestion is an ensemble of phenomena of occult resonance with certain more or less subtle energies that spontaneously manifest themselves in Nature and which are as powerful as it.

As a global macrocosmic phenomenon, suggestion represents (for those who are able to understand this) the clear manifestation of all the physical, vital-emotional, psycho-mental, supramental and spiritual phenomena that can manifest.

The entire manifested Universe (Macrocosm) is nothing more than the embodiment of the almighty suggestion of God. The whole Manifestation lives and exists permanently in and through the Macrocosmic suggestion.

Through the systematic practices and methods specific to the Yoga system, every human being can discover that the universal Law of suggestion is fundamental and eternal in all cycles of the macrocosmic Manifestation.

Every man, conscious or unconscious, ignorant or wise, young or old, consistently practicing yoga or ignoring it, every animated or uninitiated creature, organic or inorganic, all as a whole and each in a certain specific way, are permanently subjected to the infinite power and universal Law of suggestion.

Any suggestion, good or bad, once emanated, has its effect, which inevitably appears due to the instantaneous phenomena of occult resonance that they trigger sooner or later, and is proportional to the duration of the suggestion induction, always manifesting with an intensity corresponding to the force with which the suggestion was engaged.

In the vision of the millennia-old Yoga system, suggestion presents four aspects:

1. the intention aspect of the suggestion

2. the verbal aspect of the suggestion

3. the aspect of active manifestation of the suggestion

4. the aspect of existential transformation of the suggestion.

All these aspects allow us to easily and accurately become aware of the way in which a certain suggestion operates in the Microcosm of the human being, giving us the opportunity to discover, through direct experimentation, the mysterious reality of the universal Law of suggestion.

The beneficial, creative suggestion is one of the most important factors in the yoga practice. In this direction it is very important to understand that no one can reach the complete perfection of consciousness without deeply understanding and wisely, beneficially and creatively using the universal Law of suggestion.