Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

Uplifting perspective on the nudity of the human body

The revealed mystery of nudity makes us discover the wonderful symbolism of the nude, which evokes (for those human beings who are able to perceive and admire its beauty), moral and intellectual purity, as well as the purity of the body, soul and spirit.  

The nakedness of the body can be regarded, from the wise perspective of sages, as a sui-generis return to the primordial paradisiacal state, to the essential godly perspective. When seen from a sacred, transfiguring, beautiful, godly, pure point of view, the nudity of the human being’s body evokes, for initiates, a pure and emotionally-moving exposure, a state of detachment and humility.

The revealed mystery of nudity makes us understand why in the biblical tradition complete nudity was and is understood to be, first of all, the symbol of a secret state in which everything, without exception, is manifested, cognizable and not-veiled.

As we know, so were Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. It is important to note the profoundly significant fact that the first couple of human beings did not feel the need to use clothing until shortly after falling into sin, which means, among others, that after that, man’s connection with both his fellows and with God the Father lost its paradisiacal simplicity and initial godly clarity.

From an initiatory perspective, the revealed mystery of nudity allows us to discover that the nudity of the human being’s body represents the expression of inner spiritual openness, a primal state of purity of the being, sincerity, the transparency of what is fundamentally essential in the life of the human being and at the same time, complete trust in what is good and godly.

Initiates asserted that a human being’s complete bodily nudity allows the subtle natural beneficial energies that come from Macrocosm, to circulate, to transform and to thus maintain active and unhindered the authentic, real processes of communication between man and the surrounding world, without any kind of obstacle that might come from one side or the other.

Viewed from the perspective of its archetypal symbolism, nudity expresses the original paradisiacal state of man and makes possible the disappearance of all the signs of social or hierarchical differentiation that garments usually represent.

When we delve into the mysteries of the revealed mystery of nudity, we will discover with enchantment that, through a beautiful naked woman, in which the state of Shakti has already begun to awaken, a certain part of the Eternal Feminine (Maha Shakti) is revealed to us in all its mysterious and most often unsuspected splendour.

In the case of human beings who are endowed with an insightful intuition, these aspects are instantaneously revealed in an enigmatic, beguiling and often inexpressible way. In this manner, the mysterious fascination expressed by the Eternal Feminine is manifested, through each woman in which the state of Shakti has awakened to a certain extent.

In the nude body of a woman who is harmoniously voluptuous, while at the same time being affectionate, intuitive, sensual, deeply feminine, refined, intelligent and beautiful, there are reflected, in various charming ways, both Mother Nature as well as the often cryptic, ineffable necessities which the suggestive shape or her harmonious body expresses.

The nudity of a beautiful, fascinating and sublimely bewildering woman determines men who are virile, affectionate, elevated, intelligent, insightful and powerful, and in whom the state of Vira has already begun to awaken, to spontaneously fall in love and to intensely love her.

The revealed mystery of nudity makes us realise that all these wonderful attributes of a nude woman, which are visible and are thus revealed to those who admire them in a transfiguring way, act in their own way, in unison, along with some enigmatic and indescribable aspects that fascinate us. These aspects, which are more or less awakened in the case of each human being, will cause an intense state of admiration and even love and thus will almost instantly allow us access to the revelation of the states of godly purity, simplicity and clarity.