The Uniqueness of his teachings
When approaching spirituality, the inquisitive and intelligent seeker may at first be bewildered by the vastness and variety of spiritual ideas, currents and paths. What he finds in the esoteric yoga course structured by Gregorian Bivolaru is a unifying synthesis of the most authentic spiritual traditions and teachings of this planet.

The course integrates concepts, techniques and methods into a coherent whole, in a spirit of tolerance and openness, knowing that all authentic spiritual paths are in fact approaching and discovering the same Supreme Absolute Reality
This synthesis is beyond any particular religious beliefs and can be practiced by anyone, getting closer to the essence of the various spiritual traditions. Their hidden truths take on an astonishing coherence and reveal a higher, integrative understanding, transcending the apparent contradictions between the various doctrines through a unifying, overarching vision.
In this way, the different traditional branches of yoga (Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, etc.), Kashmiri Shivaism, Taoism, Kalachakra, Astrology, Chinese tradition, Ayurveda and I Ching become compatible with all that is authentic in Christianity, Buddhism or Islamic Sufism. Everything is integrated into a global knowledge, adapted to modern life and explained in line with the latest discoveries in medicine, physiology, biology, mathematics and quantum physics.
In this way, the different traditional branches of yoga (Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, etc.), Kashmiri Shivaism, Taoism, Kalachakra, Astrology, Chinese tradition, Ayurveda and I Ching become compatible with all that is authentic in Christianity, Buddhism or Islamic Sufism. Everything is integrated into a global knowledge, adapted to modern life and explained in line with the latest discoveries in medicine, physiology, biology, mathematics and quantum physics.
Spiritual Laws and Principles
The Esoteric Yoga Course succeeds to bring order, clarity and coherence to such a vast and seemingly subjective field by explaining the basic spiritual principles and laws, which are universally valid, just like the laws of science, in a way that is comprehensible to all. These basic principles represent a sui-generis "backbone" of all esoteric knowledge, on which the sincere and enthusiastic spiritual seeker can then build further along the path with which he feels the strongest affinities.
Of these laws and principles, the most important is the Law of Occult Resonance, which explains both the working mechanism of any spiritual technique and the affinities or events that occur in our daily life.
Fundamental is also the Occult Holographic Principle, which states that "the whole is in the part and each part is in the whole", or in other words that the human being is a microcosmic, holographic replica of the whole Universe.
Another important law is the Law of Cause and Effect, which applies both to the Universe as a whole and also to the individual destiny. A last example of the many to mention is amorous erotic continence, which is an "occult key" that makes it possible to access a huge energetic potential, which then makes possible a multitude of astonishing realizations that remain inaccessible to human beings who do not have this occult key at their disposal, even in theory.
Another important law is the Law of Cause and Effect, which applies both to the Universe as a whole and also to the individual destiny. A last example of the many to mention is amorous erotic continence, which is an "occult key" that makes it possible to access a huge energetic potential, which then makes possible a multitude of astonishing realizations that remain inaccessible to human beings who do not have this occult key at their disposal, even in theory.
Through the practice of yoga, the separation between ordinary life and spiritual practice disappears. Thus, it does not remain just as a hobby or a method of relaxation, but it permeates every area and aspect of our lives with profound insight and breathtaking effectiveness. And even more than that, it gives new meaning and value to our existence.
Fortunately, there are more and more people who seek to give deeper meaning to their lives. They aspire to know and to discover themselves, to find the answers to fundamental questions, and to this end they take various steps. The immense advantage of yoga as a genuine spiritual path is that it helps us not necessarily to give a different meaning to our lives, but to rediscover the deepest, fullest meaning that has always existed at the very core of our being. It is about knowing the Ultimate Reality, the Supreme, Absolute Consciousness of God the Father, whatever name we call Him at the moment.

Spiritual guidance
Given the fact that the realm of spirituality is the most delicate, profound and intimate of all, touching the very essence of our being, it is natural that there is a great necessity for authentic direction from a competent, accomplished guide. Such authentic guidance has nothing in common with the superficiality and haste of poorly trained yoga teachers, nor with the proliferation of "false prophets" and so-called spiritual guides, who have not attained the ultimate realization and wisdom, and are incapable of truly guiding those who naively follow them.
In order to practice certain complex yogic techniques, to penetrate the deep mysteries of the yoga system and especially to lucidly objectify the level on which he is, the aspirant always needs the guidance of an advanced and competent yogi. This will be an authentic Spiritual Guide who will guide the aspirant with great love, kindness and firmness on the spiritual path. The Spiritual Guide is considered indispensable for the disciple to reach, in his turn, the heights of spiritual realization.
In order to practice certain complex yogic techniques, to penetrate the deep mysteries of the yoga system and especially to lucidly objectify the level on which he is, the aspirant always needs the guidance of an advanced and competent yogi. This will be an authentic Spiritual Guide who will guide the aspirant with great love, kindness and firmness on the spiritual path. The Spiritual Guide is considered indispensable for the disciple to reach, in his turn, the heights of spiritual realization.
The deep relationship between the Spiritual Guide and the aspirant is ineffable, heart to heart, difficult to describe in words to anyone who has not experienced it.
Of ordinary human relationships, it most closely resembles that between an experienced mountain guide and enthusiastic beginner mountaineers. In a somewhat analogous way, the Spiritual Guide selflessly offers his knowledge and skills and is a living example to those who follow him to the spiritual 'mountain peak'.
The right integration of the relationship with the Spiritual Guide can provide tremendous support, coupled with constant encouragement and protection. When faced with some inner, spiritual crisis or some major trial, the power of personal example and the advice of his Guide will help the aspirant overcome such times and enable them to achieve success in the practice of yoga.
A genuine spiritual Guide will always respect his disciples' freedom of choice and will not force them to follow his advice if they do not want to. Moreover, he will stimulate their autonomy. He will insist on the awakening of discernment in each of them and will help them to focus both on spiritual ideals and on the Godly Reality. The authentic spiritual guide realizes and is constantly aware that, in essence, his role is to lead everyone, as quickly as possible, to the discovery in their own inner universe of the mysterious presence of God.
The right integration of the relationship with the Spiritual Guide can provide tremendous support, coupled with constant encouragement and protection. When faced with some inner, spiritual crisis or some major trial, the power of personal example and the advice of his Guide will help the aspirant overcome such times and enable them to achieve success in the practice of yoga.
A genuine spiritual Guide will always respect his disciples' freedom of choice and will not force them to follow his advice if they do not want to. Moreover, he will stimulate their autonomy. He will insist on the awakening of discernment in each of them and will help them to focus both on spiritual ideals and on the Godly Reality. The authentic spiritual guide realizes and is constantly aware that, in essence, his role is to lead everyone, as quickly as possible, to the discovery in their own inner universe of the mysterious presence of God.