Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

His teachings form a synthesis of some of the most inspired ideas and methods of all genuine spiritual traditions. By translating them to the modern times we live in, they become accessible and adapted to any human typology, forming a new Integral Esoteric Yoga School.

The Law of Occult Resonance

The law of occult resonance allows us to understand the extremely complex reality of vibrational manifestations existing throughout Creation and a deep understanding of all phenomena of initiation and energy-vibration amplification, which are consciously perceived in the yogi.
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The ineffable correspondence between the Microcosm and the Macrocosm

The mystery of the enigmatic mirroring that exists between the Microcosm of each human being and the Macrocosmos allows us to discover through direct inner experience that our being is a part which is integrated in and ceaselessly embraced by the great Totality, and the Totality is (partly) reflected in our inner universe.
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The formidable revealed mystery of the Godly Attributes

The Godly Attributes are those enigmatic and endless characteristics or traits of the Godly Being, such as Love, Goodness, Omnipotence, Eternity, Justice, Compassion, Infinity, etc., without which God the Father could not be conceived or thought.
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Consecrating the fruits of our actions to God the Father

The mystery of consecrating (i.e. offering) the fruits of our actions, either to God the Father, one of the ten Great Macrocosmic Powers, or to Shiva, allows us to free ourselves from the effects or, in other words, from the subsequent “chains” of our actions.
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The Art and Esoteric Science of Blessing

The Art of Blessing makes us understand that the moments of Godly Grace are not random. They are expressions of necessity and can be triggered exactly when we wish as a consequence of the Art of Blessing. Through persevering practice of this extraordinary spiritual method we can “melt” into God, merging with Him completely.
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Amorous Erotic Continence

Amorous erotic continence makes possible both the biological transmutation, at body temperature, and the transformation through the rapid de-materialisation of the potential of procreative substance, into an immense energy.
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The Law of Occult Offering

The Law of occult giving – applied only in a godly, beneficial way – will help us to understand and even deepen through direct experience that, in reality, all the good and all the spiritual energies that we give and offer to others, we also give to ourselves to a certain extent.
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The supramental sheath, vijnanamaya kosha

The fundamental mystery of awakening and energising the enigmatic supra-mental sheath allows for a higher and deeper spiritual structuring of the conscious activity of the being, which can be accessed by human beings through practice of certain supra-mental yoga techniques and procedures.
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The revelation of the Supreme Immortal Self Atman

The fundamental mystery of the revelation of the Supreme Immortal Self (Atman), which represents the spark of God the Father, allows us to discover that the Supreme Godly Self (Atman) is present in the heart of all people and that He is our eternal, inner, deepest Self.
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The Ultimate Godly Truth

The revealed mystery of the Ultimate Godly Truth is most often the goal of any authentic spiritual path and at the same time the fundamental secret encrypted in Jesus’ wise words: “Know the Truth, and then the Truth will set you free.”
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The gradual induction into the state of spiritual liberation through Godly Miracle

Through the induction into the state of spiritual liberation by godly Miracle, we experience an ecstatic state of deep spiritual communion with God, a state that allows us to spiritually enter into the mysterious Kingdom of God the Father.
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Spiritual exemplifications that are related to the secret tradition of Maha Siddha Yoga

According to the millennia-old yogic tradition, ample, clear and profound spiritual exemplifications can only be done by the Spiritual Guides that belong, through their formation, to the initiatory branch of Maha Siddha Yoga.
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Clear, firm, beneficial and continuous intentions

The revealed fundamental mystery of clear, firm, beneficial intentions allows us to convince ourselves of the ancient truth that says: “A properly started action is already half done from the moment of manifesting that clear and firm intention.”
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The revealed mystery of the yoga postures, asanas

The mystery of special body postures (asanas) allows us to discover that each asana is, in fact, an attitude that causes a certain beneficial aptitude (inner state), by triggering mysterious processes of occult resonance between the Microcosm of the practitioner and the Macrocosm.
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The Ten Great Macrocosmic Powers

The mystery of entering into an ineffable state of communion and occult resonance with the endless, mysterious spheres of force of the ten Great Cosmic Powers, through which God manifests Himself in the entire Macrocosm.
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The profound yogic meditation that is done in a solar Yang Spiral

The participants of the solar Yang spiral meditation benefit from an ample influx of subtle solar (Yang) energy, allowing the gradual awakening and energising of the intensely euphoric, spiritual state of the perfect Cosmic Man.
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The subtle sounds, mantras

The mystery of the mantras allows us to enter into a state of occult resonance and profound subtle communion with certain gigantic spheres of force that exist in the Macrocosm, making it possible to trigger in our inner universe various processes of Laya Yoga.
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Law of the occult effective method

The true initiatic riches, quickly transforming in beneficial directions are the adequate, efficient methods that produce gradually, through accumulation, the needed spiritual leaps for those who are on an authentic spiritual path.
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