The Law of Occult Offering
The great godly model that Jesus Christ was and is for all of us revealed one of the most important spiritual Godly Laws, whose value is immense.
This spiritual Law was enunciated at that time in just a few words, which are full of wisdom:
“Ask (being full of humility and love) from the Heavenly Father, God, and then He will give you. Search (being full of fervour, curiosity and dedication), and then you will find. Knock (being full of hope) at the gates of Knowledge of the godly Secrets, and then, one by one, they will be opened for to you.”
Although enunciated just briefly, this important godly Law makes us understand that when we ask for God the Father’s help, being animated by love, faith and humility, He then offers us, at the right time, all that He considers that is necessary for us, all that is good and that we really need. By carefully studying this important godly Law we discover that God the Father is the One who constantly gives us, often in enigmatic ways, all that we ask of Him, and which is good and godly.
This spiritual Law, which great initiates know as of the Law of occult giving, can be defined briefly in the following way:
When you give, being full of selflessness, being full of enthusiasm and a noble aspiration to manifest yourself as a perfect godly channel, you also acquire for yourself a considerable part of everything you give to others.
The implementation of this important Spiritual Law can be easily achieved anywhere and anytime by any of us. When we give to those who deserve godly gifts and we aspire to do so with God’s help, we can be sure that what we give to others, in fact a considerable part of what we give to others, is attracted and then accumulated in our inner universe. All of these are beneficial to us, as soon as we act at the right time, animated by altruistic aspirations, aiming to spontaneously and altruistically provide others with everything they need for their good and their inner transformation.
For this, however, it is necessary to act in a state of enthusiasm and selflessness, because only in this way we will become a secret godly channel in and through which, each time, the ineffable reality of God the Father manifests. Acting every time in this wise way, an important part of the good that we give or do to others is then also given to us, simultaneously.
When we integrate this important godly Law into our daily lives, we discover through direct ineffable experience that we ourselves learn and transform by teaching others and helping others to transform.
In this way, each of us can realise that this noble mission that we dedicate ourselves to is at the same time accelerating our own inner spiritual growth and thus helps us to grow in a day as others grow in years. Essentially, the Law of occult giving – applied only in a godly, beneficial way – will help us to understand and even deepen through direct experience that in reality, all the good and all the spiritual energies that – being full of selflessness – we give (taking them from God) and offer to others, we also give ourselves to a certain extent.
A deep and inspired understanding of the Law of occult giving will help us to understand from another perspective the fundamental principle of common sense, which states: “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.”
The pleasure and joy of offering
Knowing the revealed mystery of the Law of occult giving helps us to understand that, instead of pointing fingers at others, it is much better that we ourselves generously offer, full of self-sacrifice, a helping hand to those who need help and who are open to receive our help.
A careful and systematic experience of the Law of occult giving allows us to understand that we attract and receive in our own inner universe exactly that which we give to others. In-depth experience of the Law of occult giving allows us to understand that a deeply transformed human being, who has a great and generous soul, feels greater pleasure and joy to give than to receive from others.
Integrating and deepening the Law of occult giving into our daily existence allows us to discover that we are always, without exception, enjoying much more – and thus become much happier with all that we have good, beautiful and wonderful in our inner universe or in our body and which we can offer with selflessness and generosity, thus sharing and increasing all that we give and that is good – when we offer all this to all those who are open and who deserve to receive them, meaning whenever we set the godly Law of occult giving into action.