Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The godly essential Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges

This important godly law helps us to understand and intuit that the entire godly Creation manifested with the help of Maha Shakti or, in other words, through the Holy Spirit, who is nothing but the Eternal Feminine, is and always remains a super gigantic and incessant game of God, which God the Father plays with himself moment to moment.

In this great enigmatic game, the godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges is of great and unmistakable importance. The revealed mystery of the godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges reveals to us what an occult exchange is.

The profoundly beneficial occult exchange is a transformative, innovative, ambivalent and profoundly complementary process that triggers, generates or allows for the appearance of specific phenomena and operations of mutual transfer between two human beings, between two aspects, between two dynamic systems having different individual characteristics, but which nevertheless show a certain similarity that brings them closer and determines their beneficial transformative interaction.

It is necessary to emphasise that such an occult exchange occurs and is maintained continuously between the microcosm of each human being and the Macrocosm.

As we come to understand more and more and even to intuit the importance of this godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges, it becomes possible for us to perceive in an altogether distinct manner, the wonderful existing differences or the differences that are about to emerge, the sublime, godly and beneficent differences that we notice when we look in a transfiguring way at the human beings with whom we come into contact every time. The range of practical applications of this important godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges is and remains huge.

The godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges allows us to discover a lot of nuances that were hitherto unknown, allows us to observe with great accuracy the admirable differences, the wonderful specificities that are present in the universe of human beings whom we come into contact with.

The godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges helps us to discover the movement, the reception and the transfer of certain fluids, of certain energies that also carry specific information coming from the Macrocosm into the Microcosm of each human being or from the Microcosm of a particular human being to that of another human being. In the personal Microcosm, the incessant activity of the godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges can be identified at all levels of being.

The godly law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges helps us to discover that spontaneously engaging in altruistic occult exchanges that are fruitful, profoundly beneficent and godly – with all the human beings who are to a certain extent open to receive, from the overflow of our being, the delightful treasures we are willing to give and which we actually receive from the endless godly focal centres that exist in the Macrocosm – is a wonderful way of enjoying an accelerated transformation, an inner harmony and of reaching states of intense happiness.

The godly law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges has obvious links with the Law of occult offering, because in reality everything that is good and godly and that gets to be received by the human being as a result of their aspirations or experiences, whether conscious or less conscious, then influences them as such and triggers instantaneous occult reciprocal exchanges in their inner universe.

The godly law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges helps us to understand from a different point of view the amorous games based on mutual love and transfiguration, on the prior consecration of the fruits, which are engaged only with full amorous erotic continence.

As we deeply understand the godly Law of universal occult reciprocal exchanges, it becomes possible to discover that every human being receives all that it asks for, either directly or indirectly, and after the subtle energies corresponding to those states amalgamate with all that is wonderful in that human being, with all their thoughts, with all their sublime aspirations, with all their beneficent desires, immediately afterwards that human being offers all the wonderful aspects (that they received) in the form of complex, rich, nuanced experiences that allow for the appearance and the existence of God’s delight in the enigmatic game of Manifestation.