The Art and Esoteric Science of Blessing
The mystery of the Art and Esoteric Science of Blessing involves calling upon the Grace of God for another being or for ourselves. By practicing it, we can directly be convinced of the existence of God.
The world exists, from a certain point of view, to awaken the faith in God in us. The Art and Esoteric Science of Blessing is the first essential step which the human being can take towards God. If this art and esoteric science awakens the faith in God in us in the beginning, through persevering practice of this extraordinary spiritual method we can “melt” into God, merging with Him completely. This initiation is unique in the world and we consider it to be an extraordinary revelation for the whole of humanity. The Art and Esoteric Science of Blessing makes us understand that the moments of Godly Grace are not random. They are expressions of necessity and can be triggered exactly when we wish as a consequence of putting this method into practice.
The Key to the Art and Esoteric Science of Blessing
The Art and Esoteric Science of Blessing allows the Supreme Energy, which is beyond existence and non-existence, to flow over the person. It derives from the Almighty sphere of the Eternal Godly Spirit of God the Father. There is nothing in the Universe equal or above it. It is almighty, ubiquitous, eternal, and everything in the three worlds is subordinated to it. The person who fully acquires this technique comprehends that nothing exists apart from God the Father. This Energy leads us to the Unique Eternal Reality, and reveals the ultimate truth about the ultimate manifestation of the Eternal Spirit of God to us.
Even if it is feeble in the beginning, this flow of Godly Energy gradually helps us to transcend Maya (the root of all pleasure and suffering), and in this way, have a pure, beneficial life. Supreme Godly Energy helps us to detach from everything that chains us, helps us discover godly wisdom without being affected by the whirl of life, leading us to final liberation.
It teaches us that every human being is a godly manifestation, which enables us to more intensively, and more often experience, feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness, non-violence, and altruism. It impels us and sustains us to irrevocably liberate from the cycle of reincarnation. It aids us in discovering the nature of our Supreme, Immortal Self, Atman. Further, it can awaken in ourself endless unconditional love, thus granting us an extraordinary inner power.