Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The revealed mystery of the supramental sheath, Vijnanamaya Kosha

The fundamental mystery of awakening and energising the enigmatic supramental sheath (layer) allows, among other aspects, for a higher and deeper spiritual structuring of the conscious activity of the being.

The supramental is and at the same time remains that eternal, indestructible “memory”, which forms the persistent “personality” of the human being, which incessantly records and at the same time synthesises (in a certain way) the thoughts, ideas, intentions, aspirations and intuitions that appear in our consciousness.

Even when we do not suspect it, the supramental contains that huge informational treasure, which, under certain conditions (known to the initiates), can be accessed by human beings through the careful, correct and persevering practice of certain supramental yoga techniques and procedures.