The Law of the occult effective method
The true initiatic riches, quickly transforming in beneficial directions are the adequate, efficient methods that produce gradually, through accumulation, the needed spiritual leaps for those who are on an authentic spiritual path.
Among other things, the occult law of the efficient method reveals to initiated human beings, how the awakening of the state of wisdom, which is correlated with an exemplary state of perseverance and an overflowing state of enthusiasm, can lead the sincere spiritual aspirant to achieve any higher, godly goal to which he aspires, even when, especially in the beginning, such a goal may appear to be difficult to our consciousness.
Through a careful, lucid and systematic approach, achieved through a series of fundamental stages, the occult law of the efficient method leads the human being to a certain and profound spiritual transformation. The first step towards such a fruitful, spiritual transformation always involves establishing a higher godly goal, but after that it is necessary to resort to an appropriate and efficient method, which – when it is put into practice – will enable one to reach and deepen that sublime goal.
The wise way of proceeding
The term “method” results from the association of two words that come from Greek, namely the Greek word meta, which means “to”, and odos, which means “way or path”.
The expression, “efficient method”, therefore implies an “appropriate path that leads to a specific goal”, and indicates the optimal path to follow to achieve such beneficial goals. It is the appropriate and systematic way of acting beneficially, with persevering engagement, in order to achieve pre-established beneficial goals.
An effective method is therefore a wise way to proceed, and tends to place those who apply such an effective method in a situation that is clearly favourable for achieving the beneficial goal that is pursued.
In terms of its structuring, the efficient method is an organised set of operations and procedures that are clearly conducive to transformation and progress in the pursued direction. The beneficial goal acts in unison with practical intelligence, but the efficient method that is implemented is the appropriate way to achieve that beneficial goal.
The occult law of the efficient method states that every possible beneficial goal can be achieved through an appropriate and effective method.
The destiny of humanity has been shaped by all the human beings who have previously set high goals, and who then resorted to effective and appropriate beneficial methods to achieve them. In some situations, an efficient method can become a process within another ample and comprehensive efficient method.
All adequate and efficient methods represent the basic constitutive aspects of real and favourable strategies of action. The option for a superior beneficial strategy always involves the use of optimal efficient methods. Effective methods are part of the general favourable conditions of every beneficial and fruitful life experience.
Through the careful and systematic integration of efficient methods, it becomes possible to live the present moment in a much deeper and completely different way.
Step by step, even miracles can manifest
When a human being firmly focuses his consciousness on a sublime goal, and at the same time acts through an effective method, even amazing miracles can be made to manifest. When approaching an efficient method, it is recommended to remember that, such a method often consists of steps that need to be performed one by one, in their entirety, and in a specific order.
In a practical and immediate way, each of us can discover the efficient way in which the occult law of the efficient method works, in almost any area of life. Each beneficial action, that is made up of simple, precise and easily accessible steps, allows us to take safe and important steps towards the beneficial goal that we aspire to achieve.
When acting in a systematic and gradual way, the careful, systematic and enthusiastic realisation of the necessary steps is implicitly constituted of an obvious series of small successes, which appear gradually as we progress methodically on the chosen traditional path. The great sages rightly state that the sublime goals of God are everything that is safe for us, both in this world and in the afterlife, or the Astral Universe.
Patience, enthusiasm and perseverance - the secret keys
Obvious and lasting spiritual progress always involves our constant engagement in appropriate beneficial efforts. When we make appropriate beneficial efforts that are integrated in accordance with the occult Law of the efficient method, and which involve the implementation of an efficient practice, processes of occult resonance our triggered in our being, all of which operate synergistically to accelerate our spiritual growth.
When inner discipline and patience are twinned, the state of perseverance appears in our consciousness, supporting us and at the same time helping us to manifest a series of strong and deeply beneficial intentions. The mysterious sublime energy of Godly Enthusiasm leads to the appearance of an astonishing rapidity in attaining sublime goals, and impeccable perseverance makes it possible to gradually attain those beneficial goals.
Within the occult Law of the effective method, therefore, the systematic and precise character of the method, which acts synergistically with the states of patience, enthusiasm and perseverance, make up a sui generis secret key that opens the mysterious door to any superior godly realisation that is possible.
Beyond appearances, the occult law of the efficient method is that which gives a fundamental beneficial impulse that is part of the foundation of any sublime action,
to each initiated being, who integrates it appropriately. When the occult Law of the efficient method is taken into consideration, it breathes life into every appropriate beneficial effort. When we engage our body and soul in an authentic, spiritual way, the occult Law of the efficient method quickly leads to the intuitive understanding of the essence of all things, and at the same time helps in our discovering God, and especially in feeling Him.
Among other things, the occult Law of the efficient method helps us to access the absolute, unique, supreme and endless enigmatic force of God the Father, which no one and nothing can ever resist. Thus, it can be said that the approach of an effective, beneficial method can be considered the art of the arts. The occult law of the efficient method, that is integrated as such, almost always remains an excellent practical way to discover and explore the mysterious, ineffable reality of God.