The gradual awakening of the Glorious Androgynous state
The revealed mystery of the awakening and progressive energising of the glorious androgynous state, both in the sphere of the body and in the entire inner universe of the initiated human being, implies the harmonious energising and unification of the beneficial physical, vital-emotional, psycho-mental, supramental and spiritual endowments which (in the case of the gradual awakening of the glorious androgynous state) merge and become perfectly unified in the same human being.
The woman or man in which the glorious androgynous state begins to awaken, manages to blend and even indescribably synthesise almost all the qualities and characteristics that are specific to both polarities (the feminine and the masculine).
The human being in which the glorious androgynous state has been energised to a certain extent, awakens and truly regains the state of godly, paradisiacal completeness.
In this way, for them alone, an altogether extraordinary inner leap becomes truly possible, in which the well-known separation of the sexes (being only man or only woman) will be unified and integrated in a creative way.
The extraordinary process of awakening and gradual energising of the glorious androgynous state can be accomplished much faster and in a pleasant, euphoric way through the implementation and persevering practice of certain secret methods, among which is the perfect achievement of amorous erotic continence.