Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The revealed mystery of the ineffable state of Vira

Awakening the latent godly masculine potentialities

Vira means powerful, masculine, super-virile spiritual hero who is capable of fully controlling both the sexual functions, and the inner manifestations or, in other words, the inner experiences.

The mystery of the ineffable, extraordinary state of Vira appears through the awakening of latent godly masculine potentialities.

This is the state that every loving, balanced, full-bodied (neither thin nor fat) man – who is endowed with a lot of beneficial energy and is dynamic in a harmonious way, controlling himself and being perfectly continent (constantly controlling his procreative potential by carefully and systematically practicing amorous erotic continence) – awakens when he knows himself as best as possible, gradually discovering the enigmatic truths of the body by awakening the amazing potentialities that exist within it.

This progressive awakening of the ineffable state of Vira allows the man to discover, among others, the fascinating mysteries of the Universe (Macrocosm), at the same time allowing for the appearance of certain spiritual revelations in his being.