Essential revelations by Gregorian Bivolaru

The revealed mystery of the yoga postures (asanas)

The mystery of special body postures (asanas) allows us to discover that each asana (special posture of the body) is, in fact, an attitude that causes a certain beneficial aptitude (a wonderful inner state), by triggering mysterious processes of occult resonance between the Microcosm of the practitioner (yogi) and the Macrocosm.

The benefits of practicing in this traditional way are enormous. We can especially perceive them when we compare how we felt before and after the practice session. We feel energized and rested at the same time, powerful yet profoundly balanced and peaceful, refreshed, expanded and fully alive.

We will also be able to clearly perceive that the effects go far beyond the physical – our entire subtle-energetic, emotional and psycho-mental structures are dynamized and harmonized. Our chakras are activated and balanced, and all the correspondent qualities and potentials start to awaken – increased vitality and life-force, refined eroticism and social integration, strong will-power and self-confidence, empathy and capacity to love more, refinement and sublime intuitions, mental clarity and sharp intelligence, expansion of our consciousness and states of oneness.

In this way we become more and more aware that we are not only our body and thoughts, but a complex multi-dimensional being with a living soul and a higher Self.