Eminent Yoga Teacher
Gregorian Bivolaru
“I cannot belong to any tradition that does not fully express the universal godly supreme consciousness. That’s why I do not belong to any system in particular and I aim to synthesize everything that is most godly inspired and the most genuine in all authentic spiritual traditions.”
– Gregorian Bivolaru
Biography of Gregorian Bivolaru
Truly we can say about Gregorian Bivolaru that he is more famous than known. For hundreds of thousands of people who have achieved transformation by following his teachings and advice, he is an utterly exceptional being, a genuine spiritual guide, who has deeply and radically transformed their lives in a beneficial way. Even since childhood, Gregorian Bivolaru’s life was marked by the exceptional and the mysterious. It is hard to separate the person from his work. In order to better understand his works, it is very useful to understand the circumstances under which this extraordinary man grew up and was formed.
Gregorian Bivolaru is the author of the Integral Esoteric Yoga Course, currently offering over 33 years of study with 48 lessons per year. The topics of this exceptional course cover every area of human life, comprising over 14,500 pages, the size of 5 faculties. He is also the co-author of the Esoteric Tantra Yoga Course and the active supporter and contributor to several other spiritual courses.
Integral Esoteric Yoga
This course offers a synthesis of the most efficient and tested methods from several traditional yoga forms, while being perfectly compatible with our modern daily life. Its esoteric depth integrates all aspects of our being, going beyond the physical body, offering practical tools in order to access and master our inner resources.
Esoteric Tantra Yoga
The Esoteric Tantra Yoga Course systematically reveals the mysteries of the highly efficient and sacred ancient tantric teachings. Supported by contemporary science, the course makes the rich knowledge and life-changing methods of Tantra accessible to everyone. Every aspect of life is lived fully and with increased awareness in order to discover our essential nature.
The publishing activity of yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru covers more than 85 book titles and more than 250 specialist articles. Some of his books have already started to be translated into the languages of international circulation. What is also remarkable is the wide range of themes that they cover: from yoga, tantra, natural diets and therapies to worldwide mysteries and current affairs.