I wish to as many of you as possible to begin to love intensely, profoundly and without measure
I wish to as many of you as possible to become infused by the godly madness which makes you believe with an unshakable force that the world can be rapidly transformed by means of your own example.
Each of you should aim to be and become as soon as possible an extraordinary human being, in order to become, at the same time, a living example for the others. To make the true state of human fraternity awaken as soon as possible into the others, be yourself always kind, loving, humble, full of good-will, honest and full of sympathy for those who are admirable and wonderful. Acting moment by moment in this state of spirit it will be very easy for you to become more and more fraternal.
In order to transform and really revolutionize the world and the ambiance of the place in which we live, first of all we have to transform and revolutionize ourselves in a profound, authentic and permanent way. In order to become a torch in the night of the others' ignorance and selfishness, it is necessary that the living flame of our being to become extraordinary powerful, because it is only this way that we can offer the others from our superabundance of light.
To accomplish this, first of all it is necessary to hope and to dare. I wish you to keep your vigilance vivid and unaltered in the middle of the night and to manifest freely your force of dreaming with the eyes opened and full of aspiration towards noble and uplifting godly ideals. And if for some of you the fascinating clarity of the stars still seems to be far away, act in a manner in which the force of your breath regenerates your inner vision, in order to help you discover that, in fact, any aspect always appears to us according to the power of our inner vision.
By the power of your stimulating example, you will also be able to light up in those who are ready, the flame of the inner torch. Be full of enthusiasm. Make the courage grow into yourselves.
In order to transform and really revolutionize the world and the ambiance of the place in which we live, first of all we have to transform and revolutionize ourselves in a profound, authentic and permanent way. In order to become a torch in the night of the others' ignorance and selfishness, it is necessary that the living flame of our being to become extraordinary powerful, because it is only this way that we can offer the others from our superabundance of light.
To accomplish this, first of all it is necessary to hope and to dare. I wish you to keep your vigilance vivid and unaltered in the middle of the night and to manifest freely your force of dreaming with the eyes opened and full of aspiration towards noble and uplifting godly ideals. And if for some of you the fascinating clarity of the stars still seems to be far away, act in a manner in which the force of your breath regenerates your inner vision, in order to help you discover that, in fact, any aspect always appears to us according to the power of our inner vision.
By the power of your stimulating example, you will also be able to light up in those who are ready, the flame of the inner torch. Be full of enthusiasm. Make the courage grow into yourselves.
Never stop from nourishing the godly, uplifting hopes, having always at your disposal great reserves of hope, optimism, aspiration and enthusiasm.

Eminent Yoga Teacher,
Gregorian Bivolaru
Gregorian Bivolaru