Human stupidity is a topic that is often disconcerting and always remains current.
Generally speaking, the revealed mystery of stupidity and ignorance helps us to understand that stupidity is in some way universal, protean, even seemingly eternal, although in reality it is not. In this way, stupidity appears to us triumphant, because in many situations it is and remains the obvious opposite of intelligence. With the exception of God the Father, with the exception of great sages who have reached the highest peaks of wisdom, with the exception of great gods and goddesses, it can be said that the state of stupidity, which has various degrees of manifestation, affects almost everything and almost nothing resists it.
The states of stupidity are predominant manifestations of the abundant presence of tamas guna in the inner universe of the human being.
The state of stupidity and ignorance is the general framework within which all the more or less erroneous aspects of knowledge are manifested. The state of stupidity and ignorance is that state in which the vibrations of consciousness are to a certain extent disturbed by the interference of certain limitations, of certain stupid prejudices or preexisting energetic conditions in the aura of the human being, causing the appearance and the maintenance of false impressions. In fact, stupidity is something illusory and ephemeral, which highlights our superficiality, our lack of depth and the absence of the profound, harmonious and complex knowledge of Truth.
The correct, profound understanding of the revealed mystery of stupidity and ignorance makes it possible
to recognise such inner dispositions due to which human beings suffer from the deprivation of knowing their own nature as well as the nature of reality. These inner dispositions take the form of confusion which prevents human beings from discerning what is permanent from what is ephemeral, what is real from what is apparent. The revealed mystery of stupidity and ignorance helps us to discover that human beings who indulge in such a state of stupidity or ignorance can and immediately must seek to understand and to become objective about the stupidity in which they are complacent, because always, without exception, the careful, lucid and detached awareness of the state of stupidity (in which many of us indulge), is and remains a sui generis spark of genius, which will make possible a huge beneficial, transformative leap. Such a spark of genius is all the more valuable if, afterwards, we aim to effectively and as quickly as possible do something constructive and transformative in order to overcome the states of stupidity and ignorance in which we have been complacent until then.
Fundamentally speaking, the revealed mystery of stupidity and ignorance allows human beings to overcome one of the most limiting appearances,
namely the illusory state of seeing and considering that which is eternal, godly, pure, beatific and which in reality pertains to the Essential Immortal Self (Atman) as something that is ephemeral, illusory, impure, generating suffering and apparently not pertaining to the Immortal Godly Self (Atman). The state of stupidity and ignorance is in fact the main cause of the need for reincarnation. Stupidity not only manifests itself as a mere absence of spiritual knowledge, but also as a partially true conception of reality, because when we become aware of it as such, it appears to us just like an enemy, which is not only an absent friend. The revealed mystery of stupidity and ignorance reveals to the human beings how they can overcome such a painful condition of existence and at the same time helps them gain access to a true and eminently spiritual knowledge.