The mystery of the Law of occult resonance

Through the processes of occult resonance, the subtle energies that have a certain frequency of vibration and which come from the Macrocosm are captured or, in other words, received into the Microcosm of the human being when the frequency of vibration of those subtle energies is identical to or very close to one of the frequencies of vibration with which the Microcosm of the human being is able to vibrate in unison.

The mystery of the Law of occult resonance allows us to discover that, within the whole Creation of God the Father, “everything is occult resonance”.

The law of occult resonance emphasises the mysterious and particularly complex reality of the processes of occult resonance, due to which certain subtle energies, which have specific frequencies of vibration, regardless of their nature, propagate from an emitting focal point and can induce the same state of vibration into another focal point (receiver) or into a zone of vibrational correspondence within the Microcosm of the human being, provided that one of the vibrational frequencies of the human Microcosm is equal to or very close to the frequency with which the secret focal point or the subtle energy sphere (that exists in the Macrocosm and that plays the role of outbound focal point) vibrates.

The law of occult resonance allows us to understand the extremely complex reality of vibrational manifestations existing throughout Creation. Through the processes of occult resonance, the subtle energies that have a certain frequency of vibration and which come from the Macrocosm are captured or, in other words, received into the Microcosm of the human being when the frequency of vibration of those subtle energies is identical to or very close to one of the frequencies of vibration with which the Microcosm of the human being is able to vibrate in unison.

The law of occult resonance indicates that a certain process of occult resonance can be triggered or, in other words, can occur only if the subtle energy carried by its corresponding vibration is sufficiently high in relation to the distance that separates the two vibrating systems which present a certain state of vibratory tuning.

Also, the Law of occult resonance states that the processes of occult resonance occur lightning-fast, and the energy carried by the respective vibration is enormous. That energy instantly reaches the Microcosm of the beings who at some point trigger, in their inner universe, a mysterious corresponding process of occult resonance.

The human being is a sui generis Microcosm, which reproduces the Macrocosm in miniature.

In the practice of yoga, the knowledge of the Law of occult resonance allows a deep understanding of all phenomena of initiation and energy-vibration amplification, which are consciously perceived in the yogi and which are produced by the action of the subtle energies that have certain specific frequencies of vibration or that, in other words, have very fast vibrations, which come from certain gigantic, mysterious spheres of force in the Manifestation, which exist outside the body, in Macrocosm. The human being is a sui generis Microcosm, which reproduces the Macrocosm in miniature. Everything that exists in the whole Macrocosm also subsists in a latent state, that is more or less awakened or energised, in the Microcosm of our being. All phenomena of resonant tuning exist and are carried out by virtue of the Law of occult resonance, thus confirming that the human Microcosm reproduces the Macrocosm in miniature.

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