The revealed mystery of inner crises that can sometimes affect seriously our growth and spiritual transformation when they are not promptly solved creatively and wisely

The correct understanding of this spiritual mystery allows aspirants who practice yoga within our spiritual School to be capable of successfully overcoming various critical moments that are likely to occur during their personal existence.

In the vision of the spiritual teachings that are presented in the lessons of this Yoga School, those phenomena of consciousness that are defined as states of crisis belong, together with spiritual tests, to the necessary means of passing from one stage to another. Such moments of passage involve, almost every time, either a transformation (for better) or progress, or a change (for worse) or regress. Each inner crisis involves the sudden manifestation of a certain breaking of a state of equilibrium.

Inner crises are an integral part of the process of human development.

For most human beings, certain transformations for better or for certain changes for worse are always preceded either by certain critical moments or accompanied by certain (proportional) spiritual tests, which occur when human beings follow, in their own characteristic rhythm, an authentic spiritual. When human beings successfully overcome an inner crisis, they then move on to the path of transformative normality. If following the onset of a crisis, they regress, after a certain period of time they will face certain adverse consequences which are then inevitable.

Each inner crisis is characterised by three phases.

The first phase is the installation of the crisis and it is marked by a predominant state of destabilising anxiety.

The second phase, the peak, is often accompanied by a general state of global disorientation, which is very noticeable, especially by human beings who are very attentive to what is happening with us.

In the third phase, sometimes called the liquidation phase, there is either a transformation for better or a radical change for worse.

Finally, following the confrontation of the human being with an acute inner crisis, they will choose either the Good God or the evil, making use of their free will according to their possibilities. Some internal crises may be transient and others may be persistent. In the case of persistent inner crises, they may eventually trigger diseases. Psycho-somatic correlations are evident in such situations.

The deep understanding and assimilation of the revealed mystery of inner crises allows the spiritual aspirants of this Yoga School to benefit from a very valuable tool of self-knowledge,

which opens the way for a multitude of opportunities for beneficial transformation, that human beings can choose with awareness.

When viewed from the traditional, wise perspective of the millennia-old Yoga system,

which opens the way for a multitude of opportunities for beneficial transformation, that human beings can choose with awareness. When viewed from the traditional, wise perspective of the millennia-old Yoga system, inner crises highlight the existence of certain imbalances, deficiencies or disharmonies that manifest in the inner universe of the human being, especially at the level of the subtle force centre Ajna chakra or at the level of the supreme force centre Sahasrara Padma. In particular, emotional inner crises indicate especially the existence of disharmonies at the level of the subtle force centre Anahata chakra. Inner crises related to memory indicate the existence of specific disharmonies at the level of the subtle force centre Vishuddha chakra and secondarily at the level of the subtle force centre Ajna chakra. Inner crises related to will power indicate disturbances especially at the level of the subtle force centre Manipura chakra. Personality crises mainly indicate the existence of disturbances at the level of the supreme force centre Sahasrara padma and secondarily at the level of the subtle force centre Anahata chakra.

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